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This site was created and is maintained by me, Johannes "Jutze" Schult. I'm a fan of Änglagård's music. Due to the lack of a complete and updated homepage I created Anglagard.net in March 2002 with the aim to pay tribute to Änglagård and their music. I hope it meets your expectations.
Unless stated otherwise, all lyrics, poems, sound files and pictures on Anglagard.net are copyrighted by Änglagård and used by kind permission. All other content is copyrighted by me, Johannes Schult.
External links will open in a new window. Although I choose them carefully, I do not take responsibility for their content, which I cannot control (see also the German Impressum below). If you have any comments, complaints or maybe some praise regarding Anglagard.net, please mail me. Before mailing a question please read the FAQ and see if it's already answered there. Further information on my person can be found on my private homepage http://www.jutze.com (if anybody cares). Since Anglagard.net is hosted on the same (German) server, and since I am a German, here is the:


Johannes Schult
Geissberg 13
D-71334 Waiblingen
Tel. +49 (0) 162 2339470

Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß §10 Absatz 3 MDStV: Johannes Schult

Haftungshinweis: Trotz sorgfältiger inhaltlicher Kontrolle übernehme ich keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschließlich deren Betreiber verantwortlich. Ich mache mir deren Inhalte in keiner Weise zu eigen.


I'd like to thank those whithout whom I couldn't have built this site: Ratzer Records (for the "Buried Alive"-CD that started it all), Exergy Music, Göran Stenberg, Frank Möckel, Andreas Ulrich, Kristian Selm, Martina Baus, Robin Forsberg, Petter Sundlöf, Jarle Hrafn Grindhaug, Francisco Gastón, Rick and Margot, Serge Llorente, JN Del Castillo, Geron Francis, Nur Gale, Tobias Ljunkvist, Ron Chrisley (for the old site), Jörg Bochmann (http://www.jbochmann.de) and finally to the members of Änglagård: Anna Holmgren, Tord Lindman, Mattias Olsson, Linus Kåse, Erik Hammarström, Jonas Engdegård, Johan Brand and Thomas Johnson (for the cooperation and most of all for the music).